sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

1. Tsunami

Wave after wave, wave upon wave.

The dead are not seen and their screams not heard.

Listen! Don’t listen! Listening without end.

No one can hear what the dead shriek.

Only the dead are able to hear their own screams.

.. .. .. ..

Come on! Come on! Run!

The earth is stuffed with its own ruin

And mankind is in need of a sanctuary.

2. Description of death

There is no one left on Earth who says:

“Oh you black poets!

You thrive by mocking hope and manufacturing despair all around you.”

No one remains who says:

“How can one describe death?”

.. .. .. ..

Must the scream of despair cause pain to the stone and the pillars of the temple to tremble

Before philosophers and scientists acknowledge the sound

Of one who suffers?

3. The Lord’s “six days”

The wicked say:

“The errors of the clever are always the worst.”

Maybe they are right.

.. .. ..

God forbid

I question the Lord’s intelligence

Or His good intentions

But I think Him somewhat careless,

Somewhat confused,

Romantic, reckless, incessantly emotional

And, of course, like all his poet friends,

Both highly inspired and incapable of self-belief.

.. .. .. ..

It seems to me that six days were not enough to build a dream.

A million years, a million ages, a million judgement days . . .

And He has altered nothing.

It is as if God is still endlessly

Practising on the product of His labour.

The Earth is still not suitable for life to this day

And nor are its people.

When will that momentous day come when God will stand and say:

“At last, We have found a solution

And humanity can

Begin living”?

4. Prayer to the god of the 21st century

Take the herd.

Take the herders.

Take the philosophers, militias and army leaders.

But don’t lay your hand on a child.

Take the fortresses, the monasteries, the brothels and the pillars of the temple.

Take everything on Earth.

Take everything which devalues the Earth.

Take the Earth.

And let the children dream.

If they go up into the mountains

Don’t send earthquakes beneath them.

If they go into the valleys

Don’t let floods loose upon them.

The children are our children and Yours:

Give them solid ground.

Poet's Note: Read by Asad Jaber at the Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam, June 2011

© 2011, Nazih Abou Afach

From: Chaos & Order

Publisher: Poetry International, Rotterdam, 2011

1. Tsunami

Onda após onda, onda após onda.

Os mortos não são vistos e seus gritos não ouviu.

Ouça! Não dê ouvidos! Ouvindo sem fim.

Ninguém pode ouvir o grito dos mortos.

Só os mortos são capazes de ouvir seus próprios gritos.

.. .. .. ..

Vamos lá! Vamos lá! Corra!

A terra é recheado com a sua própria ruína

E a humanidade está precisando de um santuário.

2. Descrição da morte

Não há ninguém à esquerda na Terra que diz:

"Oh, você poetas negros!

Você prosperar pela esperança e desespero zombando fabricação de todos ao seu redor. "

Ninguém permanece que diz:

"Como se pode descrever a morte?"

.. .. .. ..

Deve ser o grito de dor causar desespero para a pedra e os pilares do templo a tremer

Antes de filósofos e cientistas reconhecem o som

De alguém que sofre?

3. Do Senhor "seis dias"

Os ímpios dizem:

"Os erros dos inteligentes são sempre o pior."

Talvez tenham razão.

.. .. ..

Deus nos livre

Eu questiono a inteligência do Senhor

Suas boas intenções ou

Mas eu acho que ele um pouco descuidado,

Um pouco confuso,

Romântico, imprudente, incessantemente emocional

E, claro, como todos os seus amigos de poeta,

Ambos altamente inspirada e incapaz de auto-crença.

.. .. .. ..

Parece-me que seis dias não foram suficientes para construir um sonho.

Um milhão de anos, um milhão de idades, um milhão de dias julgamento. . .

E Ele alterou nada.

É como se Deus ainda é infinitamente

Praticar sobre o produto do seu trabalho.

A Terra ainda não é adequado para a vida até hoje

E nem são as pessoas.

Quando será esse dia memorável vir quando Deus vai levantar e dizer:

"Enfim, Nós temos encontrado uma solução

E a humanidade pode

Começar a viver "?

4. Oração ao deus do século 21

Leve o rebanho.

Pegue os pastores.

Pegue os filósofos, as milícias e os líderes do exército.

Mas não estendas a tua mão sobre a criança.

Tomar as fortalezas, mosteiros, os bordéis e os pilares do templo.

Leve tudo na Terra.

Pegue tudo o que desvaloriza a Terra.

Levar a Terra.

E deixar que o sonho das crianças.

Se eles vão para as montanhas

Não envie terremotos abaixo deles.

Se eles vão para os vales

Não deixe solto inundações sobre eles.

As crianças são nossos filhos e Yours:

Dar-lhes um terreno sólido.

© 2011, Nazih Abou Afach.

De: Caos & Ordem

Editora: Poesia Internacional, Rotterdam, 2011


Ett virrvarr av svarta granar

och rykande månstrålar.

Här ligger torpet sänkt

och det tycks utan liv.

Tills morgondaggen sorlar

och en åldring öppnar

– med darrande hand –

fönstret och släpper ut en uv.

Och i ett annat väderstreck

står nybygget och ångar

med lakanstvättens fjäril

fladdrande vid knuten

mitt i en döende skog

där förmultningen läser

genom glasögon av sav

barkborrarnas protokoll.

Sommar med linhåriga regn

eller ett enda åskmoln

över en hund som skäller.

Fröet sparkar i jorden.

Upprörda röster, ansikten

flyger i telefontrådarna

på förkrympta snabba vingar

över myrmarkernas mil.

Huset på en ö i älven

ruvande sina grundstenar.

En ständig rök – man bränner

skogens hemliga papper.

Regnet vänder i himlen.

Ljuset slingrar i älven.

Hus på branten övervakar

vattenfallets vita oxar.

Höst med en liga av starar

som håller gryningen i schack.

Människorna rör sig stelt

på lampskenets teater.

Låt dem känna utan ängslan

de kamouflerade vingarna

och Guds energi

hoprullad i mörkret.


A mix-max of black spruce

and smoking moonbeams.

Here’s the croft lying low

and not a sign of life.

Till the morning dew murmurs

and an old man opens

– with a shaky hand – his window

and lets out an owl.

Further off, the new building

stands steaming

with the laundry butterfly

fluttering at the corner

in the middle of a dying wood

where the mouldering reads

through spectacles of sap

the proceedings of the bark-drillers.

Summer with flaxen-haired rain

or one solitary thunder-cloud

above a barking dog.

The seed is kicking inside the earth.

Agitated voices, faces

fly in the telephone wires

on stunted rapid wings

across the moorland miles.

The house on an island in the river

brooding on its stony foundations.

Perpetual smoke – they’re burning

the forest’s secret papers.

The rain wheels in the sky.

The light coils in the river.

Houses on the slope supervise

the waterfall’s white oxen.

Autumn with a gang of starlings

holding dawn in check.

The people move stiffly

in the lamplight’s theatre.

Let them feel without alarm

the camouflaged wings

and God’s energy

coiled up in the dark.

© 1995, Tomas Tranströmer

From: Samlade dikter 1954-1996

Publisher: Albert Bonniers Förlag, Stockholm, 2001


© Translation: 2002, Robin Fulton


Jag landsteg en majnatt

i ett kyligt månsken

där gräs och blommor var grå

men doften grön.

Jag gled uppför sluttningen

i den färgblinda natten

medan vita stenar

signalerade till månen.

En tidrymd

några minuter lång

femtioåtta år bred.

Och bakom mig

bortom de blyskimrande vattnen

fanns den andra kusten

och de som härskade.

Människor med framtid

i stället för ansikten.

a page of the night-book

I stepped ashore one May night

in the cool moonshine

where grass and flowers were grey

but the scent green.

I glided up the slope

in the colour-blind night

while white stones

signalled to the moon.

A period of time

a few minutes long

fifty-eight years wide.

And behind me

beyond the lead-shimmering waters

was the other shore

and those who ruled.

People with a future

instead of a face.

© Tomas Tranströmer

From: Samlade dikter 1954-1996

Publisher: Albert Bonniers Förlag, Stockholm, 2001


© Translation: 2002, Robin Fulton


Ik heb een liefde die zo oud is als ikzelf.

Zij kan niet dood zolang ik zelf geen dode ben.

Zij gaat zo graag gebukt onder mijn naam.

Zij publiceert mijn vlees en bloed tot alles op is.

Zij leurt met heel oud nieuws van mij de wereld rond

En blind sorteert zij regels die ik nooit verstond.

Ik heb een liefde, zij is altijd in gevaar

En kan pas weg als ik hier zelf de weg niet ken.

De weg die wij nu gaan, wij rollen hem langzaam op

Tot een steen. Die leggen wij straks op ons graf.


I have a love who’s as old as my self.

She cannot die as long as I’m not dead.

She so likes being burdened by my name.

She publishes my flesh and blood till it’s all gone.

She hawks outdated news of me around the world

And blindly sorts the lines I never understood.

I have a love, she’s always in danger

And can only leave when I don’t know the way.

The road that we are on, we roll it slowly up

Into a stone. We’ll lay it one day on our grave.

© 1999, Leonard Nolens

From: Laat alle deuren op een kier. Verzamelde gedichten

Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam, 2004


© Translation: 2005, Paul Vincent